Please read the following guidelines carefully:
The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and the Medford Arts Council (MAC) must be credited by using the MCC and MAC credit logos and the credit line. We encourage grant recipients to use both the MCC and MAC credit logos and the credit statement, but you are only required to use one. If the logo is used, both the MCC and MAC logos must be used together.
Logos may be downloaded from our website at the bottom of this page. The logo must be produced as a unit without alteration.
The credit line is as follows:
“This program is supported in part by a grant from the Medford Arts Council, a local commission that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the City of Medford.”
Where to use the credit line and logo
Promotional Materials. Use the credit line and credit logo prominently in printed materials (this includes materials prepared by the grantee such as season and subscription brochures, programs, newsletters, press releases, educational materials and announcements) as well as in films or videos.
Online Materials. Use the credit line or credit logo prominently in online materials (including web sites, blogs, electronically distributed releases, and social media/networking channels) to which your MAC grant contributes. The electronic logo should link to the MCC web site, and the MAC web site Grant recipients may not use logos on surveys.
Exhibition Signage. If there is no printed program for an exhibition, credit can be given through wall text or a placard placed at the entrance to the exhibit or performance space. This must include MAC and MCC listed with other major public, private and corporate sponsors, in proportional order of the size of contribution, or a placard crediting MAC and MCC, placed at the entrance to the exhibit or performance space.
Educational Materials. Use the credit line or credit logo in educational materials distributed in association with any MAC-funded program/exhibition, such as brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc.
Verbal Credit. When written credit is not applicable, such as when there is no printed program, verbal credit shall be given prior to each performance. If an announcement is not feasible, a sign must be placed in the lobby using the credit line and credit logos.
Advertising. Use the credit line and logos in print advertising that is 10 column inches or larger that is placed by a grantee. Any advertising, regardless of size or length, placed by a grantee that credits a specific funding source must also credit MAC and MCC.
Field Trips: Use the credit line and/or MCC and MAC logos on any permission slips, letters, flyers, newsletters, etc. that mention your cultural field trip experience to recognize MAC.
Additional information on crediting and publicity requirements can be found at on the Mass Cultural Council website.
Grantees should submit proof that they have met the credit and publicity requirements. It can be convenient when you are ready to request your grant reimbursement. A short assessment survey will be sent to you when you request reimbursement.